Project progress so far

Between April - July 2023 we initially consulted with local interest groups on an early concept plan. These groups included the local football, rugby, cricket, scouts and brownies clubs. We also sought views from healthcare and medical providers. We wanted to properly understand the need for improved local facilities first to inform the nature and scale of any potential development proposals for wider public consultation. 

What have we found out?

In terms of sports and recreation facilities new purpose built scout and brownie facilities were seen by respondents as a key priority, followed by access and car parking improvements at Parker's Field. 

More widely, sports and recreation facilities, transport/highway improvements, ecology and sustainability considerations were thought to be the most important priorities for new housing development. Affordable housing and cycling/pedestrian links were also identified as important.

Separate discussions with providers also highlighted the need for a new site to provide an improved and larger medical centre. 

Feedback from interest groups and providers has highlighted that the local facility improvements would be difficult to achieve, certainly in the short term, without opportunities for land and funding at North Petherton. 

How has the project responded so far?

The  concept plan has evolved in response to feedback and incorporates the following:

We are now seeking views from the wider local community on the latest concept plan and what the scheme could look like. This is provided opposite (click image to enlarge). Alternatively, click here to download a copy of the concept plan. We are keen to understand the priorties of local residents and businesses as we develop the scheme further. 

Please also click here to view the consultation boards for the project from the in-person event.

Latest concept plan - Click image above to enlarge (this may take a few seconds to load)